Looking for ideas on items to wood burn? Find pyrography art ideas by checking out these amazing pyrography artists below for some inspiration.
As long as it’s wood, you can pretty much burn it to create pyrography art. Everything from kitchenware to musical instruments to home decor can work as a canvas for your pyrography art.
If you have any other ideas, let us know in the comments below so we can add it to the list!
New to pyrography art? Check out the Ultimate Guide to Wood Burning for Beginners to learn all the basics and get started.
Wooden spoons
Recipe Box
Cutting Board
Clothes Hangers
Rolling Pins
Keepsake Box
Kitchen Cannisters
There’s no limit to the type of items to burn wood and what you can create with pyrography. If you are new to pyrography, make sure to check out my guide on wood burning for beginners.
Let us know in the comments below what items you have wood burned and if we’re missing something on the list!